ENG: Saddhu at Parashuram kund (hindu pilgrimage site), sitting by the Lohit River, where it is believed that Parashuram, the sixth avatar of Vishnu, threw his axe after killing his mother by the order of his father. By throwing his axe he is believed to have cleaved the mountain from which sprang the Lohit River. Lohit district, Arunachal Pradesh, India.
FR: Saddhu assis au bord de la rivière Lohit, à Parashuram kund (lieu de pélerinage hindou), où la légende veut que Parashuram, le sixième avatr de Vishnu, a jeté sa hache après avoir tué sa mère sur ordre de son père. Sa hache aurait ainsi ouvert la montagne d’où a jailli la Lohit. District de Lohit, Arunachal Pradesh, Inde.
Category: Asia • India • Landscape • Man • Mountain • People • River
Image URL: http://photo-tropism.com/blog/landscape/saddhu-at-parashuram-kund/